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Buy death star online, death star for sale



  • Effects
  • Fragrance
  • Flavors
  • Adverse reactions
  • Medical
  • Growing
  • Flowering time

Information About Buy death star online

ORIGIN Sour Diesel mixed with Sensi Star
EFFECTS Relaxed – 10
Happy – 8
Euphoric – 7
Sleepy – 6death star for sale
Uplifted – 5
FRAGRANCE Diesel, earthy, pungent, skunky, sweet
FLAVORS Diesel, skunky, sweet, citrus, earthy, pungent
Dry eyes – 4
Dizzy – 3
Anxious – 2
Paranoid – 1Buy death star online
MEDICAL Stress – 10
Pain – 10
Depression – 7
Insomnia – 6
Nausea – 4
THC CONTENT % 18%-27%
CBD % 0.40%
INDICA/SATIVA % 75% / 25%
INDOOR YIELD 14 ounces per square meter
OUTDOOR YIELD 12 ounces or more per plant
CLIMATE Sheltered and sunny outdoor climate

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High resistance

* 10 is the highest
* 1 is the lowest

Effects: Buy death star online

This star of a strain is very potent, as is famous for just that. Newbies should approach this one slowly, as a little really does go a long way. Death Star will provide a guaranteed perfect head and body high that will set off your inner nerd. Buy death star online

Death Star Strain Effects
Death Star Strain Effects – Image powered by

Death Star can make you feel body-heavy, relaxing you infinitely. This strain will have you feeling euphoric and happy, like you have been swept up into the universe by a rocket and are never coming down again.

Often this strain can make you feel sleepy too, which is great for when you are done with a long day at work, and need something to make you relax. Death Star will make you feel uplifted at the same time, leaving your worries behind and preparing you for a long deserved restful and relaxing night of blissful sleep. death star for sale

Tip: make sure to download my free Grow Bible for more information

Fragrance: Buy death star online

This bud is very fragrant and pleasant. Death Star smells pungent, preparing you for what’s to come. Its potency is obvious in its aroma – you will feel enticed by the sweet and earthy scent, mixed with a distinct skunkiness and a lingering note of diesel. Buy death star online

Flavors: Buy death star online

Death Star’s taste is hinted upon by its very prominent aroma. The sticky diesel flavor will stick to your tongue when you inhale, and its smoke tastes creamy and earthy mixed with some citrus. This strain has hints of a pungent sweet and skunky flavor to it that is hard to miss. Buy death star online

Ultimate Grow Guide

Everything you need to get started
Ensure you get the biggest yields
Avoid the most common mistakes

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Adverse reactions

Death Star is fairly easy on its adverse effects, but it is very potent bud and should be handled accordingly. When consumed in the appropriate doses, this strain is smooth and produces very minor side effects.

A sense of dry mouth and dry eyes can be present when smoking Death Star, and a lingering feeling of being dehydrated will make you want to reach for the liquids to stay hydrated. Sometimes, you may feel a little dizzy, due to this strain’s high THC and CBD levels. Buy death star online

Death Star can cause a little anxiety in some, which can, in more extreme cases register are feeling of paranoia. This can often be avoided by regulating the amount consumed, and allowing yourself to simply relax into this bud’s effects.


Death Star is a growing sensation in the medical cannabis scene, most notably due to its potency and high THC and CBD levels. Many patients who suffer from anxiety disorders and other mood-issues have found much relief in this soothing bud.

Death Star Strain Medical
Death Star Strain Medical – Image powered by legalchems

Those suffering from bouts of occasional or clinical depression are known to find much healing in the regular use of Death Star. Patients who complain of insomnia also love this medical strain, because of its efficiency in relaxing the body and mind and easing restless people into a guaranteed state of relaxation.

Patients who complain of chronic stress are known to benefit from this generous strain, and pain sufferers love Death Star because of its surefire way of eliminating debilitating pain symptoms. Nausea has also known to be cured with this bud, as Death Star can cause the munchies and restore lost appetite to long-time sufferers. Buy death star online


Death Star is surprisingly easy to cultivate, which is another reason why it has become loved and frequented among growers. This strain is highly resistant to any common molds and mildew and isn’t very popular among pests and parasite.

Death Star Strain Growing
Death Star Strain Growing – Image powered by herbapproac

TIP: Buy seeds like Death Star at my marijuana seed bank

Flowering Time

This hybrid can be grown in many different settings, but when grown indoors, it usually takes an average of around 8 to 9 weeks to flower and be ready for harvest. An indoor yield for this plant can be estimated at around 14 ounces per square meter.

When cultivated outdoors, Death Star can yield around an estimated 12 ounces per plant. This strain grows shorts, and is usually available for harvest around early to the middle of October. It prefers a sheltered yet sunny outdoor climate to truly flourish in.

Have you ever smoked or grown your own Death Star? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.


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